03 February 2008

this weekend

...i made a new friend.

...meet my buddy fergus.


balloonatikmama said...

Tonight as we were going to sleep and talking over the weekend Fergus said "Scotty is my new best friend. I wish I lived on Scotty's island".

You are special and so loved Scotty.

balloonatikmama said...

So today we are driving along (earlier Fergus had repeated his sad wish to live on Scotty's island) when the following conversation occured:

Fergus: "I wish Scotty were my daddy"
Me: "Wouldn't you miss daddy just a little bit?"
Fergus: "I wish I had 2 daddies"

Go where you wish with that, but I do intend to remain in the picture!

hee hee

hahamommy said...

Tag! You're it! Check out Bodhicitta for details ;)

kelli said...

how are you? I miss your writings :)

Chris said...

Yeah, and we miss you! Where you been?

Angry Guy said...

Yes. Quite loved.
Good call on Wintersleep.
Oh yeah.. its great!

Schuyler said...

Hey! I know that kid! He's cool.

Angry Guy said...

a little birdy told me you were coming through our area soonish.....