29 January 2008

Going along in company together, a wise man Must mix with other foolish persons. But on seeing what is wrongful he abandons them. As a full-fledged heron leaves the marshy ground.
-Udana 8.7
tonight, in Clarice Starling-esque irritation, I delete personal files from my work desktop account. While doing so, I imagine the green, the oxygen, and the finest financial security: money, that is earned doing that which one loves. The loud roar of anger and the twinge of corporate workplace betrayal fades as i bathe in the future green. in preparation for departure, i go through my email inbox. inside, i find the above mail waiting for me.
and now, i'm ready to let go. Thanks, TFG. Together, in conjunction with the Universe, you may just have turned the tide. I may just be a Believer in the complete interconnectedness of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
So be it. Ahead, the delicious transition into the unknown. Adventure!


hahamommy said...

NOW Rocks!
The only permanent record that counts is Karma. Being Good to YourSelf and Following YOUR True Path are Big Red HAPPY Marks on your Karmic Record. Goooo Karma! Amen. Praise Jeejuz, Hallelujah, all that and a bag of chips with salsa ♥

kelli said...

Wahoo! Embrace the transition :)

Zenmomma said...

Congratulations on your decision to forge ahead on this new and exciting path. Good things await.