23 October 2007

the gift of peace and security, wrapped in chaos

am i the luckiest thirty-something lefse-influenced newly-installed-to-the-Valley post-angst Gen X overthinker on the planet? i'm beginning to believe so. take the events of a few hours in my today, for instance. for clarity, i'll provide the play-by-play in a screen script format, to give the narrator more voice.

*begin scene*

Subject S huddles over the glow of a tablet computer in the far corner of the house he's just moved into. S is worried, as per usual. Today's flavor of worry isn't a new one, but the subgenus species is. it's car insurance. S's policy expires today, and after doing some research online, has chosen a company and policy which best suits the needs for himself and his new family. normally, S wouldn't devote so much emotion to a need as mundane as vehicle insurance, when other bills are further behind. the caveat is that since the car is financed, the insurance isn't optional, even to operate outside of the law. the car must be insured. and S is out of options, and money.

The love of S's life, TFG, wanders out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel, damp, and trailing the finest ambient perfume shop scent imaginable behind her as she moves. her long, violently red hair is wet. she's as sexy as hell on a stick, and her being momentarily unaware of her sexy quotient only makes her that more desirable. unfortunately, S barely notices. he lamely inquires about availablilty of funds in a long-unused online account.

S: Hey. is there anything left in your paypal account? this insurance company accepts paypal.
TFG: nope.
S: okay. It's just that i think the old policy expires today. and we'll really screw over Alex if we can't insure the snarfler.

TFG peruses the screen, and steps up to leave the room. with a headache looming, S follows her. TFG pulls out a bank card out of her wallet.

TFG: here ya go. i'll cover the insurance until we can figure everything else out. we can pay the bill when we've got more money.

TFG wanders into the far bedroom and finalizes the insurance purchase with a moment at the screen. S realizes the cosmic erasure of worry that lives with him in his new home. it is her. she is the eraser. S catches a glimpse of something amazing. not outwardly, but inward. the fear has been banished by courage, and a touch of real-world crisis solution in action has unfolded in front of him. he's just seen an offhand display of trust and love. and instantaneous problem solving.

Later. S is goofing off in the driveway with TFG's son, TBB. TFG pulls up in the family van, and kills the engine. She, the eraser of worry, has arrived home from work early. laden with library books, animal welfare literature for TBB, she slings a pizza from the local NY pizza joint.

S slaps himself in the head. his realization -that this amazing person, this, the girl he loves, this beautiful woman who has chosen him to share her life with, this singular individual who is always mindful of the needs of her family- hits him months too late.

S drives 45 minutes to work a short time later. with the gift accompanying him.

*end scene*

the perfect gift for a worried pragmatist. a gift of serenity. of security. a gift of a lesson learned.

how odd, the universe, and the incomprehensible workings thereof.
thank you. for the whole damn thing. i'm loving it.


kelli said...

You're amazing. I'm so glad she has you. I'm tearin' up man... :)

Zenmomma said...

That's a beautiful new family you've got there Scotty. :o)