17 June 2007

a brave new world.

a year or more before i met TFG and her beautiful son, i saw this video and it broke/lightened my heart with its beauty and the care in which it was produced. things like this really raise the bar for those who take the short-clip music video medium seriously. the music, the underlying themematic, and the availability of interpretation (in both the language and topic) all lend to the finest piece of music video i've absorbed in a long, long time. without mentioning specifics, i'll say that this band has also produced several works that are far and above those who have preceded them. thanks, Sigur Ros.

fawning aside, i marveled at the freedom of the children portrayed. what must it be like for them and their families to harvest such raw freedom inside the normally-occurring constriction in "modern world" childrearing? and then i met TFG, and was introduced to the concept of Radical Unschooling. I had the typical, uneducated preconceptions of the world of homeschooled kids (antisociality, lack of patience, no concern for others, as they themselves are the center of the universe, etc.). these have all been bashed, as i am again reminded of why i chose to listen to a certain type of music in my youth and young adulthood: music as art, sent from those who would bash preconception. a lesson learned, and re-reminded.

i now see daily what it must be like to live like the children portrayed in the video. i see it in the beautiful son, his community of friends and family, and in the love of his mother, who i adore entirely. welcome to my eyes being opened.


mesmith said...

a precious masterpiece indeed. would it work as effectively without glósóli's cherubic children and that landscape? i'll stop questioning and let the chills pour over my body as they charge the hill. thanks for the words that at one point i saw attached to this post - they seemed to bring it all (the music, the video, family) full circle for me nicely.

kelli said...

beautiful. it reminds me of when we talk to people who are trying to get to unschooling. we'll say, "just make the jump, the water's great". maybe we should say, "just jump and we know you'll fly"! miss you guys already, thanks for sharing that.