08 June 2007

Once or twice a year...

...i catch a cold. usually in either the spring or fall. this year, i'm lucky enough to have it when it's warm out. well, relatively warm, anyway. because these bouts happen so few and far between, the effects of an average cold or flu are somehow ...amplified, at least in my mind.

i spent the evening tossing and turning, alternately baking and freezing in my little loft apartment. i don't have any remedies at home, probably because of the infrequency of getting ill. so, i tried an experiment: i would clinically detach myself from my own perceived suffering, and coldly note the effects of the sickness. it was interesting for about four seconds. then, i went back to happily feeling sorry for myself : )

went to the grocery store yesterday afternoon. i'm lucky enough to live downtown in my small midwestern city, and the neighborhood grocery store is one block away. i shivered in the full sunlight on my walk there, and chose a nice, spiral cut ham and some fresh pineapple to go with the Jerk seasonings i purchased while TFG and i were out shopping the other day. Allspice. honey. scotch bonnet peppers. orange rind. carrots, and a handful of crushed/dried habanero from last year's garden. when i piled out of bed this morning, the crockpot was warm, the ham was done, the carrots were sweet, hot, and soft. and i couldn't smell any of it.

multivitamins and water. i brought some cokes in to work this morning, but they remain untouched. TFG is a big fan of CocaCola, so maybe i'll bring some over for her today. haven't seen her in a couple of days, but now it's probably for the better, as i wouldn't want to cross-infect the girl i love and her beautiful son.

if it doesn't get warmer soon, my tomatoes and peppers will suffer! wishing.

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