25 May 2007

Both Hands, Both Feet

It's apparent that i enjoy reading about the lives of others, given the amount of time that i devote daily to perusing the blogs of said others. with that said, I'll jump into the mass exposure foray, with both hands and both feet. While i'm usually quite private, i'll divulge necessary exposition and backstory when it's called for. Enjoy, if you will, the ongoing story of a small-town over-thinker.

I live in a small city in the Midwest. In this small city, i have numerous roles that i fulfill; the usual Family / Hobby / Job combo being foremost. I have a loving and adorable new family, an old hobby which continually brings me much joy, and a very interesting new job. I'll keep you, dear reader, informed on these aspects, as they shall provide the main fodder for this online journal, and other thoughts about life, love, religion, idiots, thinkers, heroes, and villians.

welcome, dear reader, to a virtual celebration of the sacred and the mundane.

1 comment:

Zenmomma said...

Hey, Scotty's got a blog! cool....now I can stalk. Bwahahahaha.......