29 May 2007

Day 8 of 19

...at work. our little station works with three full-time technical directors, and when one of them is out, the other two take up the slack. this is done (this time) joyfully, as my good friend, the Damn Hippie, is in Europe, spending time with his family and seeing the sights for a few weeks.

so, i'm at work. again. and again. i need to keep reminding myself that all of this overtime is ...worth the removal of my life. hell, who am i to bitch? others have it much, much worse; even inside the confines of this very building. it's okay. i'm just tired.

my fabulous girlfriend is hosting a family of unschoolers over the next day or two, and at the same time, one of her very, very favorite artists is moving through the area while on tour. the family is from minnesota, where their children are instructed by interacting with the world around them. it's beautiful and awe-inspiring to witness the joy these children and their parents have in their lives. they are entirely intertwined, the parents and the children. it's a polar difference between the masses who send their children off to grade school and beyond, and leave the impressions and instructions their children absorb to a callous and cold institution.

the fabulous girlfriend raises her 8 year old son in the same fashion. his needs determine his learning. this was a strange new world for me, but i can't see the boy through any other lens at this point. the life that the boy and his mother are spending together is absolutely amazing to view, and for me, to play a small role in. magnifcent.

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